Thank you for joining me on this stop of the Winter Wonderland Blog Hop celebrating SCP's 3rd Anniversay! I've been a proud member of the award winning SCP family since it's inception and I couldn't imagine being anywhere else! This is my home away from home that I share with over 250 fellow authors, and more than 900 books! I hope you'll spend a little time with us!
If you prefer the sweeter side of romance, visit Sweet Cravings Publishing
In December 2013, Secret Cravings put out the first edition of their eZine, Cravings! Take a moment to visit for past issues and be sure to sign up to receive upcoming issues.
For as long as I can remember I have been fascinated with the intricate and delicate beauty of the snowflake! Over the years I have collected photos and books and read more about this crystalline miracle than I care to admit and along the way I discovered Wilson A. "Snowflake" Bentley.
"Under the microscope, I
foundthat snowflakes weremiracles of beauty; and it seemed a shame that this beauty should not be
seen and appreciated by others. Every crystal was a masterpiece of design and no
one design was ever repeated., When a snowflake melted, that design was forever
lost. Just that much beauty was gone, without leaving any record behind."
Wilson "Snowflake" Bentley
I am sure you have heard the phrase 'no two snowflakes are alike' but did you know that Wilson Bentley made this discovery in the small rural town of Jericho, Vermont in 1885 when he became the first person to photograph a snow crystal (aka snowflake). Over his lifetime he photographed over 5000 of them earning the nickname "Snowflake Bentley."
For more information on Wilson Bentley, visit the official "Snowflake Bentley" website at
In the spirit of celebrating, I'm hosting a contest of my own. For a chance to win a PDF copy of my e-books Skin Deep, an erotic contemporary novella , Whisper Sweet Nothings,an erotic Weekend Getaway, as well as a $25.00 Gift Certificate to Secret Cravings Publishing, simply leave a comment below sharing your favorite activity in the snow.
If you've never seen snow (heaven forbid), then share what you would love to do if you found yourself in the snow!
Be certain to leave your e-mail so I can contact you if you are a winner. The winner will be chosen by and notified no later than February 4th!
Thank you again for stopping by and be sure to tell your friends about Secret Cravings Publishing 3rd Anniversary Winter Wonderland Blog Event! The more the merrier!
Welcome! I am honored to be participating in the 2nd Wounded Warriors Blog Hop with Secret Cravings Publishing! First and foremost, to all of our brave servicemen/women,
I want to say ...
Thank You!
These two simple words never feel as though they are enough considering the sacrifices made, yet saying them can mean so much!
But I think you'll agree with me that we need to do more. Thank you is a good place to start but whether we choose to volunteer with one of the many organizations dedicated to helping our heroes, at home or abroad, I feel we honor their sacrifices by giving of ourselves anywhere in our community.
I am going to pledge at least 8 to 10 hours per month, volunteering and giving back! Just imagine what we could accomplish if everyone donated at least an hour, no less ten or more ...
Will you join me?
I know there are many blogs to visit, so I won't keep you long. In honor of our servicemen/women currently serving, our Wounded Warriors, and all our veterans, I am giving away several prizes: * Two (2) PDF copies of my e-book,Skin Deep, an erotic contemporary novella;
* Two (2) PDF copies of my erotic short story, Whisper Sweet Nothings; and * Two (2) $5.00 Gift Certificates to Secret Cravings Publishing;
* One SURPRISE box filled with lots of swag! All you need to do to be entered for one of these prizes is leave a comment ...but not for me.
Instead, I want all who participate to leave a comment for our brave and beloved servicemen and women. Consider this a special place to leave a message in honor of, or on behalf of a loved one, or to any of our servicemen/women in general. Take as much space as you need ... there's no limit one can put on words from the heart.
I will print out the comments and include them in letters I am sending through Soldier's Angels!
In addition to the above prizes, I will donate at least $30 for 30 comments to Wounded Warriors Project but this year, I'll donate up to $100 for 100 comments!
The contest will run through Monday, November 11th and end at midnight. Winners will be announced and notified on Tuesday. Be sure to leave your e-mail address at the end of your comment so I can contact you if you're a winner! Winners will be chosen by!
Be sure to visit all the Secret Cravings Publishing authors participating in the
Welcome to Souls Around the World October Blog Hop - October 1st through the 31st!
Things that go bump in the night ...
It's that time of year...shorter days, chillier nights and the countdown to one of my favorite holidays...Halloween!
I've been fascinated with the paranormal for as long as I can remember and in particular, ghosts! I'll be the first to admit I've had some interesting encounters that have left me to wonder if there is truly life after death.
I've always been curious about what happens to us after we pass from this earth. Do we go to Heaven? Are we reincarnated? Do we cease to exist?
Everyone has their own beliefs. I won't get into a lengthy discussion on religion or theology but I will admit I am beyond curious. Personally, I cannot believe we cease to exist. There has to be more, but if so, what?
Perhaps these questions are what stoke the fires of my curiousity and feed my need to research all things paranormal. Do we 'cross over' and if so, do we ever have the chance to 'come back' and visit loved ones, or see to unfinished business?
I indulge in the guilty pleasures of every ghost show available...Paranormal State; Psychic Kids; Ghost Adventures; and my all time favorite, Ghost Hunters! I read anything and everything I can get my hands on and I wonder...
My weekly FREE read for Secret Cravings Publishing, My Soul to Keep, explores the possibility of life after death and what happens when one's soul refuses to cross over.
Special Agent Analiese Valentine –
aka "Val" – lived and died for her career. Possessing a sixth sense for as long as she could
remember, Val always knew she was different – and so did everyone else. So
different, in fact, her own mother – apparently unable to tolerate her
daughter's unusual gifts – abandoned her, forging internal scars so deep most
relationships, if any, were cultivated at a safe
distance. A near-tragic accident opens unexpected doors – some otherworldly –
changing her life in ways she'd never imagined possible.
Dr. Maxwell "Max"
Thornton, a psychologist, lives an almost reclusive life except for his practice.
Although his empathic abilities allow him to help his patients in ways most
practitioners never could, the effort is taxing, at times debilitating. Keeping
a limited and selective clientele, he manages to pursue a career and maintain his sanity, convinced normal relationships are out of the
realm of his reach.
When a guarded agent and a
reluctant empath cross paths, unexpected revelations occur and a delicate
thread binds them to one another as a predetermined Fate begins to unfold, sending
them plummeting into a war between good and evil.
Here's an excerpt ...
At three o'clock in the morning,
Val awoke to the sounds of voices in the other room. "Damn it Theo. This
isn't a frat house," she mumbled, climbing out of bed.
Padding down the hallway, the
voices stopped suddenly, a cold chill creeping up her spine. "Theo?"
"This isn't funny Theo. I
have to be at work early and-"
Her half-hearted tirade was cut
off by the sound of a deep growl behind her. Whirling around, she expected to
see something but the room was empty, lit only by the streetlights outside.
Pale fingers of light reached across the hardwood floor, tiny specks of dust
swirling within. Shadows shifted in the far corners of the room and the faint
sound of whispers had her turning in circles.
"Who the hell is here? Come
on…show yourself."
The echo of a sinister laugh came
from behind her and she whirled around again, the air within the apartment
growing heavy; dark.
She'd never encountered a ghost
that didn't want to talk to her.
Knowing she could see and hear them was the reason they sought her out in the
first place.
This had to end now.
"Whatever. You don't scare me
and I'm going to bed." Before she could turn towards the hallway, something
pinched her hard on the back of her upper arm, eliciting a surprised yelp.
Instinctively, she grabbed her arm, turning away from the source of the attack.
"Hey! Keep your damned hands
off me!" For the first time, fear crept into the picture. No other ghosts
had ever touched her, no less tried to hurt her, during an encounter.
As she moved towards the light
switch, a sharp slap to the side of her face almost sent her tumbling to the
floor but she managed to reach out, grasping the top of a chair with trembling
fingers. "You son of a bitch!"
Her first instinct was to get her
gun but the realization she didn't have it anymore – and the obvious reality of
trying to fight something you can't see – left her feeling unusually
Backing out of the living room,
she moved towards the phone then stopped. Who the hell was she going to call?
Surprisingly the first person that came to mind was Max, not Riley. Why not
Riley first?
Maybe because he abandoned you Val, turning his back on you, leaving
you to fight this thing alone. Anger began to replace fear and she used it
to her advantage.
"What the hell do you
want?" she nearly screamed.
An eerie silence followed the echo
of her demand before she heard a spine-tingling whisper in her ear.
Your soul.
Feeling as if she were going to be
sick, she ran to the bathroom, a silent scream trapped in the back of her
throat when an unseen hand grasped her ankle.
The impact knocked the breath from
her just before her chin hit the floor. The coppery taste of blood filled her
mouth. Rolling over, she tried to sit up only to be shoved back down, followed
by a heavy weight straddling her chest. She screamed as the air seemed to be
pushed violently from her lungs.
"Get off me," she cried,
struggling against the suffocating weight pressing her against the floor, fear
again replacing anger. She didn't know what to do to fight this thing.
"Theo!" she cried out,
desperate for help.
If you'd like to read more, My Soul to Keep is available for download at SCP. It's FREE and each week, a new installment is posted.
I know there are many of blogs to visit and I'm happy you stopped by! As a thank you, I am hosting a contest sof my own! If you'd like a chance to win a $31.00 Gift Certificate to either Secret Cravings Publishing OR Amazon (winner's choice), all you need to do is leave a comment as to whether or not you've had a paranormal experience of any kind! Feel free to share as little or as much as you want to!
The contest will run through October 31st, of course, and a winner will be announced and notified November 2nd. Be sure to leave your e-mail address at the end of your comment so I can contact you if you're a winner! Winner will be chosen by!
Be sure to visit all of the authors participating in the
Souls Around the World October Blog Hop for a chance to win a Sony E-Reader filled with books from many of the authors participating!
The contest is open to anyone in a country that is participating including Canada, the United States, the United Kingdom, Australia and New Zealand. The winner will be selected November 1st! Good luck to everyone and enjoy the blog hop!
Thank you again for stopping by and be sure to tell your friends about the Souls Around the World October Blog Hop!
Sunday, September 22nd through Friday, September 27th!
In my opinion there is nothing as intimate as a kiss, and nothing more memorable than a first kiss. Today I am going to share with you the first kiss between Emily and Rick from my erotic contemporary novella, Skin Deep. First, here's a little about Skin Deep ...
Emily Monroe, a statuesque high school English teacher, is convinced that getting a tattoo to cover the remnants of her brush with Morphea is the only option left to open the door to self-acceptance, allowing her to finally move on with her life after the devastating diagnosis left more than physical scars in its wake.
Rick Sutton, owner of Skin Deep, a successful tattoo shop, has his own cross to bear. Crippling guilt and the specter of unrequited justice overshadow every aspect of his life, trapping him within the haunted corridors of his heart and soul; until the day Emily walks into his shop.
Instantly, he recognizes a kindred spirit in Emily, and a tenuous bond is formed. When the intimidating yet teddy-bear of a man offers her a glimpse into his passionate side, she is moved by what she sees and takes a leap of faith. Together they traverse the physical and emotional journey of freeing themselves of their perceived flaws, an erotic undertaking that proves to them beauty is only Skin Deep.
If you have a moment to watch the trailer for Skin Deep …
face changed from confusion to anger. "Damn it Em! What the fuck did this
guy do to you?" Stalking towards her, he backed her against the car.
"I know you are upset and at the
risk of crossing another line…"
placed his hands against the car, on either side of her face, his lips only inches
from hers, waiting for an answer.
night grew silent. Looking up, she held his gaze, blue eyes searching his for
any sign of empathy. He stepped back then, moving his hands to his hips and
staring up at the night sky. Drawing in deep breaths, she could only assume he was
trying to calm himself.
he seemed an imposing figure in the best of circumstances, but when angry, as he
now appeared, he became even more intimidating. She wasn't afraid of him though,
just the opposite.
to answer him, she searched for the words, but they wouldn't come easily. He
a seven year relationship during which he asked me to marry him several times, I
finally agreed. We set a date, booked a church and planned our reception. We planned
our honeymoon, sent out invitations and then…I was diagnosed with Morphea. I
tried to keep it hidden from him, afraid of his reaction, I guess…you saw him; he's
flawless in an anal, metro sexual sort of way."
searched his face before continuing. The dejected look was still there even
though he tried to hide it. Reaching out, she brushed a stray lock of hair from
his forehead, remembering how he’d come to her rescue tonight.
day, he walked in on me in the bathroom and…God, the look on his face." Fighting
the urge to look away, she recalled the open disgust clearly etched on Daniel's
face. "I had to tell him then
and even though it seemed as if he would be all right with my condition, I
couldn't erase his initial reaction from my mind."
spilled freely now but she didn't care. "The night of the rehearsal dinner
he surprised me with a heartfelt, romantic toast and for the first time, I actually
allowed myself believe he was okay
with all of this. And then…on the morning of our wedding, I received a text. He
was having cold feet and sorry, but he couldn't go through with it." Embarrassment
colored her cheeks, forcing her to look away.
a son of a bitch! But Em…the minute you
thought you had to hide your condition from him should have been the instant yourealized he wasn’t the man for you. The
guy is a fucking dick! Leaving a woman like you
because of what? A few friggin' spots?" Grumbling under his breath, he
ran those large hands roughly through his hair, the gentle breeze catching
stray strands here and there.
raw fury of his rant struck a chord deep within, and without thinking she stood
on tiptoe capturing his face in her palms and kissed him. The gesture,
impulsive and brief, bore the depth and weight of her heartache.
jumped back, her ass hitting the car door. "I'm sorry…I shouldn't have
done that. I crossed the line this
time and…"
quieted her rambling by placing his index finger upon trembling lips. Taking a
step closer, he sent her heartbeat racing within her chest. A little flutter
stirred in the pit of her stomach, along with something else.
moment her lips met his, a jolt of electricity tore through her, an instant
response to his proximity. Never had she experienced such a powerful reaction
with Daniel.
forward, he cupped her face within large hands. For what seemed like an eternity,
his lips hovered just above hers, his gaze searching for any sign she wanted
him to stop.
had been years since Emily had kissed someone, no less wanted to be kissed. After
Daniel's blatant rejection, she’d shut down, allowing herself to feel nothing.
Until Rick. Admittedly, the interest and
curiosity had been there all along, but something about tonight resonated deep
within her soul, touching her heart.
kiss me because you feel sorry for me," she said, her voice barely a
ragged whisper.
not about to kiss you because I feel sorry
for you." His warm breath danced across her lips.
This is what it should feel like…the earth
shifting under your feet… butterflies in your stomach…heartbeat quickening…that
shiver in your spine…a stirring deep within your very core?
Rick slipped his arms around her waist, a shiver coursed through her as their
bodies touched, now face to face, chest to chest, thigh to thigh. A slow heat
simmered just under the surface and she wanted to feel more. Reaching up, she moved
her hands through his hair before wrapping her arms around his neck, urging him
closer, melting into him.
loose a small sigh, she pressed herself against him, lips parting in invitation,
one he eagerly accepted by delivering a tender yet hungry kiss that promised of
something more, something richer and deeper than she’d ever felt before.
else existed but this moment, this stolen moment in a wind-blown parking lot
with a remarkable teddy-bear of a man who made her feel more like a woman than she
had in a decade. The effects of his lips traversed her entire body, from the
top of her head to the tips of her toes and she was lost, in no hurry to be
hands moved up and down her back, slow, unassuming. In response, she opened for
him further, Rick tasting dark and dangerous, the feel of his tongue sliding
against hers more sensual than she could have imagined. Drawing in a quick
breath, she slipped deeper into his embrace, raising her arms up and over his
back, her fingers drifting through his thick hair.
soft strains of music and laughter drifted towards them on the wind and she
knew this moment was just that, a moment. But one not likely to be forgotten.
his lips left hers, they took with him welcome warmth, leaving behind an
all-too familiar chill.
me again?" she whispered and stretched towards him, tentatively brushing
her mouth against his lower lip. Laughing out loud, he pulled her close as his mouth
covered hers in a searching kiss, waking her body as if from a deep sleep.
brushed the tip of her tongue across his bottom lip, eliciting a soft moan from
him, and he mimicked her, engaging her in a sensual dance as she lost herself
in his arms once again.
I know there are many blogs to visit, so I won't keep you long. I am giving away several prizes including a PDF copy of Skin Deep and a $10.00 Gift Certificate to Secret Cravings Publishing.
All you need to do to be entered for one of these prizes is leave a comment below. In addition to the above prizes, I will donate $1.00 to Doctors Without Borders for EVERY* kiss left on my blog!
The contest will run from September 22nd through September 27th and end at Midnight, Eastern Standard Time. The winner will be announced and notified by Sunday, 9/29.
Be sure to leave your e-mail address at the end of your comment so I can contact you if you're a winner!
(The winner will be chosen by
Be sure to visit all ofthe authors participating in the Blog Hop at
Thank you again for stopping by and be sure to tell your friends about the 100th Sunday Snog / Kissing Fundraiser for Doctors Without Borders Blog Hop!
Needless to say the picture above certainly stirs some romantic and sensual ideas. I love the way one picture, one song, one scent or one flavor can just as easily create a memory as it can resurrect it. There are times I hear a song and it transports me right to the moment I first heard it. The same with a scent or a pierogis. Everytime I taste them, I can picture myself with my grandmother sharing a plate after school. I know there are many of blogs to visit, so I won't keep you long. I'm happy you stopped by and if you'd like a chance to win a PDF copy of my e-book, Whisper Sweet Nothings, an erotic contemporary short story, as well as a $15.00 Secret Cravings Publishing Gift Certificateto purchase a few more new books! All you need to do is share with me your favorite sense -- either taste, sound, touch, scent, etc., for a chance to win!
The contest will run through Midnight, Sunday, August 25th. Winner will be announced and notified by Monday evening. Be sure to leave your e-mail address at the end of your comment so I can contact you if you're a winner! Winner will be chosen by!
Be sure to visit all of the authors participating in the
Sarah Cole never expected to find
herself divorced and nearly broke at the age of thirty-four, no less working
part-time as a phone sex operator for Whisper Sweet Nothings.
Solely responsible for the care of
her grandmother, she's willing to do whatever she needs to care for the woman
who raised her, even if it means foregoing her dream to sing.
News of his impending deployment
turns Lt. Samuel Meade's world upside down, and he finds himself alone to face
the unknown when unexpectedly abandoned by his girlfriend.
Eager to help him shake the blues,
friends set him up with Whisper Sweet Nothings for a little fun before deployment.
Not wanting to seem ungrateful or endure the merciless ribbing of his buddies,
he goes ahead with the call, expecting the worst.
Instead, he finds Sherry (aka Sarah Cole), a kindred soul
as seemingly lost as he is.
Neither could have imagined the instant
bond forged that night, the foundation for a friendship that would span nearly
a year. Sharing heartfelt letters with a woman he's never met, Sam finds
himself falling for her.
Scarred in more ways than one
during his deployment, Sam returns stateside suffering from PTSD and a painful
leg injury. Convincing himself that he is as broken as his dream of pursuing
her, he gives himself over to despair.
Unbeknownst to them, with the help
of a friend, they find themselves face to face, embarking on a journey of
self-discovery, acceptance and a once in a lifetime love.
Here's an excerpt ...
Sarah jumped when the phone finally rang, staring at the
console like a deer caught in headlights, unable to move. What the hell was
she doing?This was insane, an
introverted, thirty-something, afraid-of-her-own-shadow architect-wannabe
trying to pass herself off as a phone sex operator? She'd lost her mind.
"Are you going to get that or what?" Rachel
chided. Sarah looked helplessly to her designated trainer.
"You can do this. Remember why you are doing this, sweetie. It makes it easier. I'll be
nearby," the woman reassured her.
Sarah nodded, adjusting her headset and reaching over to
press the flashing button—the button that would lead her down a path she'd
never pictured herself traversing, especially not at this point in her life.
When she began training, she'd been asked to pick a name
for herself and had chosen Sherry. It had a sweet, girl-next-door quality to it
unlike her actual name. Her eccentric, literary-minded mother had thought it a wonderful idea to name her only daughter
Scheherazade, although most of her friends called her Sarah. Tonight, though,
she was Sherry, a sexy voiced
seductress on the other end of a telephone entertaining horny men and perverts
Stop! You can do this Sarah. If you could
live through one of the most brutal divorces in recorded history, you can do
"Hello, this is Sherry. Welcome to Whisper Sweet
Nothings…have you called us before?" she asked sweetly even though her
hands shook and her heart pounded painfully within her chest. Quickly, she
glanced at the computer screen to scan a few details about her caller.
"Uh, no…this is…well, this is my first time
Given she was new she'd been told she would get the
undecided first-timers or the clients who wanted a more vanilla experience. Most of the women here had a specialty…BDSM,
fetish, gay/lesbian, etc. As she trained, she could add to her repertoire if
she chose which would increase her moneymaking potential.
"Not to worry. That's why they put you in my very
capable hands. I will take care of you. What's your name?" she asked,
pulling out the scripts she had studied ad nauseum.
"Sam. My name is Sam. Know what…this was a mistake.
I…I should go. I'm sorry, ma'am…I didn't mean to waste your time and…"
She could hear his voice trembling and her heart went out to
him. He was as nervous as she was. "Sam…listen to me. I probably shouldn't
tell you this, but would it make you feel better to know that this is my first time too?"
She caught the look of disdain from Rachel who shook her
head from side to side, obviously a mistake and likely not to be her first. Sorry, she mouthed, turning her
attention back to Sam.
"I think you are just saying that to keep me on the
She smiled. "No, this really is my first time. I'll make you a deal. We take this one-step
at a time…together. How does that
There was a moment of silence and she thought she'd lost
him. Her heart sank.
"That sounds fine."
"So tell me…what is it you were looking for when you
called me tonight?"
Thank you again for stopping by and be sure to tell your friends about Secret Cravings Publishing Blog Hop! As always, the more the merrier!
Hello all! I am so excted to be participating in the Doggone Blog Hop for Charity!
Meet Maggie Moo! This endearing 8 year old greyhound/lab mix
literally trotted into our lives on Easter Sunday of 2012.
Our journey began Good Friday , the plan had been to get our
feet wet looking for a dog. St. Hubert's in
North Branch had many dogs available for adoption, especially seniors. Given
our schedules, an older dog would be a perfect fit.
As we were getting ready to leave we took one last walk out
back and looked at the dogs in the outdoor runs when this gorgeous lady, lying
so nonchalantly in a huge sunspot, glanced over her shoulder and took us in.
After sizing us up, she stood gingerly, so thin and cautious, and came over,
liquid brown eyes sparkling in the sunlight.
Those eyes reminded me so much of our first dog, also a
greyhound/lab mix we'd adopted many years ago from St. Hubert's in Madison …
our first beloved Maggie.
Yes, their names were the same. When the volunteer told me
her name was Margaret but they called her Maggie, I looked over at my husband and saw the coincidence wasn't lost on him either.
We asked to take her out and as we walked to the outdoor
meet and greet area, she followed close at my side, nudging my hip as we
strolled along as if to hurry me up. Once inside and off the leash, she took
one look at us and then the cool, green grass and … the grass won out. *laughs*
Grass is her catnip. She loves to lie in the grass; to roll
in the grass; to breathe deeply of the grass; to sleep in the grass.
Of course, it was love at first sight but since we had cats,
also seniors, we needed to think about how she would fit in with that dynamic.
Besides, adopting a dog is a huge commitment and we wanted to take the time to
sleep on it. Morning came and we were back at the shelter, giving Maggie the
'cat' test. She passed with flying colors and the decision was unanimous … she
was coming home with us! Mellow and sweet, she would be a wonderful addition to
our family.
Saturday was spent preparing the house for her arrival and
Sunday we picked her up and brought her home.
Eager, friendly, yet cautious cats awaited her arrival and
after a carefully supervised meet and greet, a couple of our cats began to
groom her. Then she licked one of them and we noticed her spotted tongue … both
sides! She chose a bed of her own and made herself at home and it was as if
she'd always been there.
A visit with the vet a couple of days later led to a clean
bill of health except for her being considerably underweight at only 44 pounds.
The stress of being in a shelter had taken its toll on her and the plan was to
add some weight over the course of a few months.
Fortunate to be able to take her to the office with me those
first few weeks, we were able to bond quickly and settle into a routine.
Co-workers nicknamed her 'Maggie Bag of Bones' and 'My Little Pony'.
Over the next few months we did what we needed to do in
order for her to gain weight and we took her on frequent, short walks so as not
to tax her obviously achy joints. We loved seeing the spring in her step and
the sparkle in her eyes as we went on our daily walks. We quickly learned that
Maggie loves walking almost as much as she loves grass.
A year later, with even brighter eyes, a shiny coat,
and 66 pounds to call her own, Maggie is thriving and much to our surprise has
the energy of a puppy! So much for a laid back senior dog! *laughs* She is
quick to remind us when its walk time with what we'll call her 'inside voice' …
she doesn't bark but she'll try to 'talk' and never fails to make us laugh.
I think she knows she's making us laugh too because I swear
this dog smiles. She prances and hops like a kangaroo to where her leash is and
waits patiently for the walking shoes to go on. Wonderful in the house and
always eager to snuggle on the couch with us, she seems to find her greatest joy
in the great outdoors.
We've always adopted our animal companions and we've been
blessed over the years to have some truly remarkable souls come into our lives.
Everyone comments on how we saved Maggie from the shelter but the truth is we
saved each other. Life is all the better with a dog named Maggie Moo.
In honor of Maggie, I'm giving away several prizes including a PDF copy of my e-book,Skin Deep, an erotic contemporary novella; a PDF copy of my newest release, Whisper Sweet Nothings, a short erotic contemporary; and a $10.00 Gift Certificate to Secret Cravings Publishing.
All you need to do to be entered for these prizes is vote for Maggie Moo and leave a comment with the words TOP DOG!
In addition to the above prizes, I will donate $1.00 to St. Hubert's in Branchburg, NJ for EVERY comment left in honor of Maggie and all the dogs (and cats *winks*) who bless our lives!
The contest will run from June 19th through June 21st and end at midnight. The winner will be announced and notified on Sunday. Be sure to leave your e-mail address at the end of your comment so I can contact you if you're a winner! The winner will be chosen by!
Be sure to visit all the authors participating in the Doggone Blog Hop for Charity at
I know there are many of blogs to visit, so I won't keep you long. I'm happy you stopped by and if you'd like a chance to win a PDF copy of my e-book, Skin Deep, an erotic contemporary novella, as well as a $15.00 Secret Cravings Publishing Gift Certificateto purchase a few new books for the summer! All you need to do is share with me your favorite thing about summer for a chance to win! For me, I love the longer days, farm-fresh fruits and vegetables (especially tomatoes and corn!), and the smell of honeysuckle.
The contest will run through Sunday, May 19th. Winner will be announced and notified by Monday evening. Be sure to leave your e-mail address at the end of your comment so I can contact you if you're a winner! Winner will be chosen by!
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Emily Monroe, a statuesque high school English teacher, is convinced that getting a tattoo to cover the remnants of her brush with Morphea is the only option left to open the door to self-acceptance, allowing her to finally move on with her life after the devastating diagnosis left more than physical scars in its wake.
Rick Sutton, owner of Skin Deep, a successful tattoo shop, has his own cross to bear. Crippling guilt and the specter of unrequited justice overshadow every aspect of his life, trapping him within the haunted corridors of his heart and soul; until the day Emily walks into his shop.
Instantly, he recognizes a kindred spirit in Emily and a tenuous bond is formed. When this intimidating man offers her a glimpse into his passionate side, she is moved by what she sees and takes a leap of faith. Together they traverse the physical and emotional journey of freeing themselves of their perceived flaws, an erotic undertaking that proves to them beauty is only Skin Deep.
If you have a moment to watch the trailer
for Skin Deep …